Warm meeting with my Ladakhi friends after one year

After a year of waiting and countdown days in Europe, I got on a plane that drove me directly to airport in New Delhi. I was there a couple of hours waiting for my next flight to Leh. I was very tired but happy that I am back in India. I tried to not fall asleep to guarded my luggage.
Upon arrival to Leh I went as soon as possible to the guest house where I lived last year that to avoid getting high altitude sickness. This guest house is my favorite accommodation in India. The name is Yang Rab Guest House called by owners (Kolto) youngest son . I was very fond of this family last year. I wrote to Kolto few weeks before arrival the date and time when exactly I will come. I wanted from him to give me one room.
When the taxi brought me to the guest house, I have caused the family quite a big shock, because Kolto mistook date my arrival so the family expected me week later. Nevertheless, I accepted very warm welcome and we all were really excited. But I think that that moment I was the happiest person on planet, since I have dreamed all year about how I will be again in the Himalayas. I was terribly exhausted and began to show a lack of oxygen. I felt faint and I needed to go to bed. Because Kolto didn’t have free room for me, his wife made my bed at their home, which I really appreciated. I lay down and within a minute I was sleeping.
They let me sleep a few hours and when I woke up, my room was already ready. I moved. In the room I pulled secretly bags that filled out half the bag (because I go to India with just a few things and returned with a full backpack). The bags were full of gifts for the family. I brought the children too many toys to which I had an emotional relationship, because I used to play with them when I was a small child. I brought them a book about my country Slovakia, Slovak traditional pottery and sweets. At home, I printed the photos of my family and my dogs and our shared a photo from last year.
It was already dark when I slowly walked into their home and politely asked if I can interrupt them for a moment. I started handing out gifts to them. I think that the joy they had is best expressed on the following photos.
In the house was indescribably pleasant atmosphere after handing out the gifts. They suggested me to eat with them. After the meal, we took a long time talking about what has changed in my and their lives during the last year. I was very happy because I was in the Himalayas again and because at the moment I felt like a member of their family. For their hospitality and kindness to me I always considered them as my second family – Ladakhi family.